Status and reported issues

As of January 29, 2025, it's about 90% complete. In technical terms, the CD version is BETA, which means that the game is feature complete, i.e., all features and content scheduled for release are in the game, including the full CD soundtrack. However, the game is largely untested and thus has issues that need to be fixed. This is why companies will do in-house betas, limited release/private betas, and public betas as their games become more solid on the way to full release (source: Reddit). The A1200/A4000 version is slightly behind that because its .mod (chip) based soundtrack is not complete, but Martin Eriksson (DJ Metune) is in charge of finishing it. Hopefully, all will be finished in time for Amiga's 40th anniversary celebrations.

  • The most common issue observed is the one regarding the CD32 music. The only actual configuration I've seen playing all CD music from start to end of the game, was on FS-UAE (FS-UAE launcher: it requires music to be converted to WAV and the cue sheet to be edited to take into account the WAV file names). On the real hardware, many times the music fail to play correctly, even after pressing the 'emergency button' added as a hotfix to switch music on. On WinUAE, although it usually plays the music correctly, it has been reported that the sky gradients are corrupted on certain stages.
  • The second issue is the one of the camera (which should snap and center to the player during its spawn), sometimes at the start of world 3 (level 7) it loose focus and wander away to the left of the screen, leaving the player without option except to reload the level by pressing F3.
  • The third and most rare issue (because it's a conjunction of factors), is the breach of max actor's limit on world 5, resulting in a crash to the system with an error message. This happened before on world 4 (level 11) with the segmented bone dragons, it's quite tough to solve and a matter of stripping the game of components and test until the component which cases the error is isolated.

Last but not least, there are annoyances here and there, aesthetic issues and specially, balancing issues. Some people said that the game is currently too easy, while others can't beat it without emulator save states. Bosses 3, 4 and 5 are definitely on the easy side for Castlevania standards. They should be adjusted. Worth mentioning  an old joke that the first 90% of the project takes 90% of your time, and the last 10% takes another 90% of your time (source: Quora).

Get Castlevania AGA


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If you're interested in doing a legit physical release, I know a publisher...

That would be great, difficult because of the IP, but not impossible (afaik Geezer Games was able to get a permit for a limited physical edition of Rygar - which is a IP by Tecmo - and Mauro Xavier is attempting to get one with Capcom for his port of Final Fight to the Mega Drive/cartridge version).

Wonderfull version

Thank you very much!

Valeu! :)